Janine Woodcock

Coach – Speaker – Writer

Hi, I’m Janine and I’m here to help you achieve your potential.

I bring you practical tools, techniques and frameworks that will help you nourish and sustain your personal and professional success. My work combines my twenty-five years’ experience in leading businesses, my studies and qualifications as an executive coach and my experience in managing my own drive to succeed.

When I’m not helping people like you achieve their true potential, I’m doing that for myself. I balance the important things in my life, like family, friends and creative endeavours. I prioritise exercise, getting back to nature and relaxation, and I’m constantly learning new things about how nutrition contributes to our success. But I’m human too, so there’s also time for chocolate, red wine and Netflix.

Coaching, facilitation and training

“If we lead consciously and with conscience, we can create a sustainable future”.

Through Zingg Ltd I help businesses all over the world thrive and grow by unlocking the potential of people at all levels. I support leaders and managers in developing and enhancing their capabilities to lead for business growth, agility and wellbeing.

My approach is grounded in over 25 years’ leadership experience, my executive coaching studies and qualifications and working with my own drive to succeed.

Coaching – one to one, team and group

Workshop facilitation – from board strategy days to dealing with team dynamics that are holding back progress

Training – topics include: setting boundaries for success, why optimal conflict is essential for your career, influencing outside authority, understanding and managing yourself through change, managing stress and optimising resilience, negotiation skills, inter and intra team communication, how to have difficult conversations. Request training menu


I’m passionate about sharing my experiences and ideas but I always tailor my content to the themes of your event or conference, so get in touch to discuss your requirement. You’ll get a feel for the topics I speak on from this website, my blog or by getting in touch.

Here are some example themes…

Your success. Your Choice. How to set boundaries that enable your sustained success.

Feeling disempowered? How to lead outside influence.

Why Optimal conflict is essential for your career.

The things people say. How to deal with unhelpful challenges from colleagues.

The angels advocate. How to shift your mindset towards your success.

I offer keynote speaking as well as delivering break-out sessions.

As a member of the Professional Speaking Association, you can be confident that you’re booking a speaker with experience and discipline who can both engage and inspire

Janine Woodcock, executive coach, leadership speaker

“Janine’s session was the highlight of the Connecting Women in Technology event. She provided great tips and actions for the audience to take away and helped them find the right inner voice for leadership. We came out of the session buzzing and full of energy.”

Sarah Robinson
Director, Connecting Women in Technology




Read my blog to find out more about the topics that interest me. It’s an eclectic collection of insights on how to work with some of the most common challenges we face in our careers.


My book, The Power of Choices, is for you if you feel ‘always on and never finished’; if you find it difficult to switch off. You may be driven and love your work, but having it front of mind all the time can have unintended consequences for your health, happiness and relationships. My 7-step CHOICES programme will help you feel more energised in every part of your life; still allowing that “driven you” to flourish and succeed, but without it coming at the expense of other important things in your life.

Articles and opinion pieces

I’m available as a guest writer too, for example I write for ThriveGlobal.com. Please get in touch if you would like me to contribute to your publication.

Using code CHOICES30 for a 30% site visitor discount.

The Power of Choices

In this high-pressure and uncertain world, it’s easy to lose sight of what we need to thrive professionally and personally. When demands on our time begin to compete it becomes harder to make good decisions that will support the life we want to lead.

My book will help you connect with, understand and challenge the choices you’re making and empower you with a set of unique techniques to make smarter ones. As a result you will:

Discover how to build and sustain long-term success whilst nurturing and protecting what matters to you most.

Develop skills that can liberate you from the unrelenting pressures of success.

Learn how to stay true to your core beliefs without weakening your will or ability to succeed.

There is a way for you to feel more energised and at ease in every part of your life. It’s time to make positive choices that  can sustain your success and create the life you truly want.

The Power of Choices
Leadership development retreats for purposeful leaders.

If you’re a purposeful leader, it’s likely you’re aligned with your work and energised by the challenges it brings. The idea of slowing down doesn’t appeal. Afterall, it’s ongoing learning and driving your business forward that lights you up.

If this sounds like you, you’ve probably been asked about your work-life balance many times. But I believe that’s the wrong question. The more important question is: can you keep working at your current pace indefinitely?

My three-day, three-night Power of Choices leadership retreats are designed to help you sustain your performance over the long term. You’ll be with a maximum of nine like-minded retreaters, and through action-focussed sessions, discussions and workshops you’ll get to know yourself better, so you can make better choices. Choices that will enhance your experience of life and work, leaving you feeling nourished, rather than depleted.

Next retreats

15th -18th November 2021
14th – 17th March 2022

What’s it like to work with Janine

I went one step further in what I’d planned and achieved a great outcome

Janine gave me some fantastic coaching where I went away committed to an action that I had previously felt very uncomfortable about. Thanks to the confidence I had gained, I went one step further in what I’d planned and achieved a great outcome. Janine was the opening in which this whole shift happened so I can highly recommend her if anyone is stuck.

Chief Operating Officer: Change Consultancy, UK

The relationship with a coach relies on honesty, trust and empathy. Janine enables this…

The relationship with a coach is very personal, it relies on honesty, trust and empathy from both sides. Janine enables this whole process to happen seamlessly, she guides the conversation, helping you to address and work through your issues and in doing so, helped me reach conclusions that I would not have reached on my own. I have developed good habits and processes that have not only helped my business but also helped me to manage myself and the way I work. I understand myself better and know not only what my weak points are but also how to avoid, correct or overcome them.

Managing Director: Business Consultancy, UK

The coaching sessions left me feeling exceptionally positive and had cleared any specific obstacles

The coaching sessions left me feeling exceptionally positive and had cleared any specific obstacles so I could move forwards with enthusiasm and excitement. Janine helped me step back from the issues, allow me to evaluate what I had already achieved and give me the time to re-appraise my goals and set out clear ways to achieve them. I felt guided by Janine but not led, all the ideas and impetus came from myself. Janine’s skill is her ability to help me alter my perspective and solve the problems myself. This leads to a longer lasting solution where I have actively developed skills to help me achieve my goals.

Account Director: Marketing Agency, UK

Neither blunt nor pushy but a real facilitated experience helping me push myself to identify my blockages

The sessions were like talking to a helpful friend who kept you focussed, on topic and provided insightful suggestions. Janine was able to help me dissect the key phrases we say each day, or obstacles we see and can’t find a way around, and look at them in a new light.  Neither blunt nor pushy but a real facilitated experience helping me push myself to identify my blockages and how I wanted to work around them, or even reclassify them as mere bumps to gloss over rather than huge obstacles to divert my attention.

Self-employed Health Practitioner: UK

Inspiring coaching skills and boundary pushing questions

Despite culture/langauge difference and communicating through video call instead of in person, she impressed me with her inspiring coaching skills and boundary pushing questions. I definitely benefit a lot to make breakthrough both in work and more importantly on my personal development journey.

Global Category Manager: Pharmaceuticals, Korea

It’s a fantastic process and I would recommend anyone looking to develop themselves to look to Janine

When you’re coached by Janine, you find that every session leads to an ‘aha’ moment! You realise something new about yourself – whether that’s a strength, something you need to work on or just an understanding of who you are. I found it incredibly empowering and allowed me to develop in new ways. It’s a fantastic process and I would recommend anyone looking to develop themselves to look to Janine

Account Director: Marketing Agency, UK

Janine had a way of challenging and probing deeply to allow me to think outside my traditional comfort zones

Janine helped me to achieve true breakthroughs in dealing with complex workplace issues. Janine had a way of challenging and probing deeply to allow me to think outside my traditional comfort zones. I highly recommend Janine’s Executive Coaching skills to anyone searching for a breakthrough at any level of management – she can help to get you there!

Head of Procurement: Pharmaceuticals, USA

Janine builds up your confidence to have the courage to take on big ideas

Janine has a unique way of challenging you and building up your confidence to have the courage take on big ideas, take accountability for relationships and drive towards results that you would otherwise feel were previously out of reach. I would highly recommend Janine as she delivers proven results!

Global Category Manager: Parmaceuticals, USA

She challenges my thinking and always builds on my competences and capabilities

Janine has been my business coach for almost a year. In that time we have cemented a fantastic and constructive relationship. Janine has been a great sounding board and advisor and with her varied international experience brings a cultural relevance to her advice which is especially helpful. She challenges my thinking and always builds on my competences and capabilities with a forward looking approach to support my professional career and personal development. It has been a pleasure to work with Janine and I hope to continue to do so.

Head of Procurement: Pharmaceuticals, Australia

A rare mix of being a caring listener, but with a healthy dose of tough love.

Janine is a rare mix of being a caring listener, but with a healthy dose of tough love. Having been in senior roles herself, she truly understood how I was feeling. Janine helped me separate my emotional response from the business situation and channel my energies into moving forward. What I especially valued was the follow-up notes, prompts and tools she shared. Not only could I feel progress, I could see it too.

Senior Vice President: Marketing Agency, USA

A resourceful sounding board and an action-taking catalyst

As my coach, Janine has done a tremendous job by being a resourceful sounding board and an action-taking catalyst. Janine helped me to gain clarity, think through critical issues and develop strategies to move forward. She asks challenging questions and encourages me to take risks whilst being extremely supportive. I have developed techniques that help me more effectively set expectations and to deliver feedback; and I have increased my ability to recognise opportunities to practice new techniques learnt. Janine’s approach is straightforward and goal-oriented. where results are easily measurable. I strongly recommend coaching from Janine, especially for senior leaders/managers who want to evolve to a higher level of personal and professional satisfaction

Chief Operating Officer: Tech Start up: UK

Janine inspires trust and respect quickly and from a wide variety of different personalities.

Janine inspires trust and respect quickly and from a wide variety of different personalities.
Janine has worked with our management team for the past 8 months, at a time when we have bought together two businesses and so wanted to align these two groups under common strategic objectives.
She initiated two streams of work with our newly-combined management team:
1) Understand our own and each other’s behaviours and motivations, then provide us a framework in which to interact so that we can build strong relationships with each other
2) Define common (key) objectives which underpin our business plan or the coming budget year
I’m very thankful we met Janine – we could not have achieved what we have without her. Her professional ability (proven throughout her career) is key, but her ability to engender trust from a group of strong and varied personalities is a rare and brilliant quality.

Managing Director: Marketing Agency, UK

Janine empowered me to tackle uncertainty and roadblocks

Janine’s warmth, experience and skill shone through from our first meeting and I always looked forward to our sessions. Over the course of 6 months Janine helped me develop clarity on key aspects of my professional working and empowered me to tackle uncertainty and roadblocks. I will always look on our time together fondly and value the skills that she has awoken in me which will help in my future career and life in general.

Global Scientific Director, Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland

Janine asks insightful, thought-provoking and challenging questions

Janine is a fantastic coach, who has helped me in so many ways over the last year. She’s enabled me to overcome multiple business challenges, find a better work/life balance and feel more confident in my ability as a leader. Whatever obstacles I’m facing, Janine asks insightful, thought-provoking and challenging questions to help me overcome them. I’ve left every one of our sessions with a greater sense of clarity – and a clear path forward.

Founder, creative AI agency, UK

Janine has a skilful, sensitive and inspirational coaching style

I was lucky enough to experience executive coaching with Janine over almost a two-year period. I can quite honestly say that her skilful, sensitive and inspirational coaching style provided exactly the right level of support and challenge for me. She was able to facilitate deep reflection, insight, and learning that was transformative for me, both in my professional and personal life. She’s also a lovely person and has a great sense of humour!

Vice Chancellor – Higher Education, UK

There is no appointment on my calendar I look forward to more…

I love working with Janine! There is no appointment on my calendar I look forward to more than our coaching sessions. She has an ability to get the best out of me and help me produce my best work. I don’t feel like I’m being challenged to use someone else’s style or approach, rather, I’m coached to use another of my own styles and this feels so comfortable. Highly recommended.

Chief Microbiologist, Pharmaceuticals, USA

 Janine has worked with


How to find some balance in a crazy world

I’ve touched on the topic of mindfulness on my blog  before. Today I want to share my own experience with you in the hope that it can help you find some balance in your own life. We live in a great,...

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© 2021 Janine Woodcock. All Rights Reserved.
Registered in England and Wales number 07455706 VAT Number: 212 9928 01

Images provided by Irving Bartlett