How are you feeling about 2015. Have you set some goals? Well here are few tips to helping those goals stay current and not get ‘lost’ like so many of their ‘goal cousins’ the new year resolutions.

1) Write it down…you may think you don’t need to as it’s all in your head. However, if the doubts and demons appear during the course of the journey towards your goal, looking back at your notes will help you. You can’t dispute the energy and passion in your own handwriting as you conceive your goal.

So, with your pen in hand…

1) what is your end goal

2) when do you want to achieve it by?

3) why is it important to you

4) what will be better for you once you have achieved it

5) what won’t be so great if you don’t achieve it

6) how motivated are you at this moment of writing, to achieve that goal?

7) what could sabotage your achievement of this goal (be honest with yourself!). For each potential sabotage, what could you do to minimise the likelihood of being knocked off track?

8) how can you break your goal down into little chunks?

9) when would you like to achieve each ‘chunk’. You may find you need to go back and extend the deadline for your overall goal after you’ve done this. We are often over ambitious in our expectations of ourselves, and this is a key contributor to giving up.

10) who are your goal champions. I like to have a few key people I tell about my goals, so I can celebrate the success of little chunks with them, but also bemoan challenges along the way (and no goal comes without challenges)

Good luck for 2015. And if you need any coaching help and support in achieving your goals, just get in touch!