7 ways to create the environment for success

7 ways to create the environment for success

You won’t have clicked on this article unless you want to do the best job you can. A great place to start. I’ve written this ‘how to’ from the viewpoint of someone who’s working with a company vision/direction that’s been set by someone else. However, if you’re a...
10 tips to achieve your goals

10 tips to achieve your goals

How are you feeling about 2015. Have you set some goals? Well here are few tips to helping those goals stay current and not get ‘lost’ like so many of their ‘goal cousins’ the new year resolutions. 1) Write it down…you may think you...
Where’s your focus?

Where’s your focus?

As you approach 2015 and your plans for your career or business, where is your focus? It can be tempting to focus on the end result (get the next promotion, increase turnover by £x). While having an end goal in mind is important, it’s also vital to focus on the...