Your success. Your happiness. Your choice.

Your success. Your happiness. Your choice.

Health and happiness are closely related. While we may know that intellectually, for those of us who are driven, we sometimes pay more attention to goals, results and success in the pursuit of happiness. Health can get neglected. My own experience of doing exactly...
Brain-stretch time? Top tips on how to focus…

Brain-stretch time? Top tips on how to focus…

How do you build ‘brain-stretch time’ into your life? I strongly believe in the quest for a lifetime of learning. To me ‘learning’ in a work context means taking in other people’s views on things, in the form of books, podcasts or audio-books. It requires focus for...
How to find some balance in a crazy world

How to find some balance in a crazy world

I’ve touched on the topic of mindfulness on my blog before. Today I want to share my own experience with you in the hope that it can help you find some balance in your own life. We live in a great, big hurly-burly VUCA world. And it’s exhausting. What is VUCA...
7 ways to create the environment for success

7 ways to create the environment for success

You won’t have clicked on this article unless you want to do the best job you can. A great place to start. I’ve written this ‘how to’ from the viewpoint of someone who’s working with a company vision/direction that’s been set by someone else. However, if you’re a...