How to be a better leader

How to be a better leader

Are you sitting uncomfortably? Then we’ll begin. One of the foundation capabilities of being a good (or even great) leader is self-awareness. But being self-aware is a skill that research shows we lose as we rise through the ranks. Why? Because the more senior...
Confessions of a workaholic

Confessions of a workaholic

If you’re a leader the chances are you’ve had to work very hard to get to where you are.  But sometimes, along the way, we lose perspective on healthy work behaviours versus those that can damage not only you, but your team (and ultimately your business)....
10 tips to achieve your goals

10 tips to achieve your goals

How are you feeling about 2015. Have you set some goals? Well here are few tips to helping those goals stay current and not get ‘lost’ like so many of their ‘goal cousins’ the new year resolutions. 1) Write it down…you may think you...
Where’s your focus?

Where’s your focus?

As you approach 2015 and your plans for your career or business, where is your focus? It can be tempting to focus on the end result (get the next promotion, increase turnover by £x). While having an end goal in mind is important, it’s also vital to focus on the...